
Silence plays its part in Louth’s Silenzio
written by Dick O’Riordan Sunday Business Post 18 June 2017

The Louth Contemporary Music Society has garnered lavish praise in the international press during the past month and its latest annual Silenzio festival ( 23-24 June 2017) is bound to deliver further truck loads of approval from music lovers who appreciate not just cutting edge composition, but a unique plunge into music that challenges the imagination in all sorts of directions.
Over the two days of concerts in Dundalk Gaol and An Tain Arts Centre, the festival focuses on the work of one of the great visionary composers of our time Salvatore Sciarrino, making his first visit to Ireland. His poetic style will be displayed in a number of events including a chain of madrigals in St.Nicholas Church of Ireland Dundalk.

Also featured will be a world premiere where Jürg Frey “will allow the audience to step inside his unique sound worlds as he moves between opera, song cycle and silence”. Frey is noted for a number of long quiet pieces. See louthcms.org for details