
Commissions and New Works

Terry Riley Ancient Warriors 2007 Premiere performed by the Crash Ensemble in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Arvo Pärt The Deer’s Cry 2008 Premiered by the State Choir Latvia in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Georg Pelecis I See the Blood upon the Rose 2008 Premiered by the State Choir Latvia in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Deirdre McKay Commendo Spiritum Meum 2008 Premiered by the State Choir Latvia in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Rihard Dubra Hail Holy Queen 2008 Text suggested by Eamonn Quinn, funded by Latvian Cultural Fund
Premiered by the State Choir Latvia in St.Patrick’s Cathedral Dundalk.
Sir John Tavener O My People 2008 Premiered by Stephen Layton and Polyphony in St.Patrick’s Cathedral Dundalk.
Alexander Knaifel To EF and the three calling cards of the poet 2009 Premiered by Elizabeth Cooney (violin), Joachim Roewer (viola) and Elizabeth Wilson (cello) in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Valentyn Silvestrov 5 Sacred Songs 2009 Premiered by Louth Voices conducted by Tõnu Kaljuste in St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Valentyn Silvestrov 5 new pieces for violin and piano 2009 Premiered by Elizabeth Cooney( violin) and Elisaveta Blumina (piano) St.Peter’s Church of Ireland Drogheda.
Dmitri Yanov Yanovsky Morning 2011. World Premiere took place on 29 April 2011 performed by the Hilliard Ensemble, Ivan Monighetti and the EQ Ensemble.
Dmitri Yanov Yanovsky Viderunt Omnes for 8 celli and percussion performed by Celli Monighetti. 22 Oct. 2011.
Dmitri Yanov-Yanovsky Arrangement of Sean Ó Riada’s Mass for SATB Choir (16 voices) and three traditional instruments.2012Performed by the EQ Singers with Zoe Conway and Laoise Kelly conducted by Eamonn Dougan
Rabih Abou Khalil Penguins in Dubai for string quartet, double bass and oud. 2012
World Premiere took place on 4 May 2012 performed by EQ Ensemble.
Eyvind Kang Drunk Bidum (Arrangement of Persian tune Mastom Mastom) for string quartet. 2012
World Premiere took place on 4 May 2012 performed by the EQ Ensemble.
John Zorn The Holy Visions —a mystery play in eleven strophes—concerning the life, work and philosophy of Hildegard von Bingen for five female voices. 2012. World Premiere Performance by Neue Vocalsolisten Stuggart took place in St.Nicholas Church of Ireland Dundalk on Friday 5 October 2012 at 8pm
John Zorn Missa Sine Voces. 2012. World Premiere performance by EQ Ensemble conducted by Gavin Moloney took place in St. Nicholas Church of Ireland Friday 5 October 2012.
Alexander Raskatov’s Monk’s Music. Originally a commission by the Borodin Quartet but never performed. The world premiere of Monk’s Music took place in St.Nicholas Church of Ireland Dundalk on 8 February 2013. The Carducci Quartet with Gordon Jones bass performed the premiere with the composer Alexander Raskatov in attendance.
Eliane Radigue OCCAM XVI. Co-commission with Carol Robinson. Premiered at Sounds in Space June 2014 Dundalk.
David Lang just (after the Song of Songs)  for Trio Mediaeval and Garth Knox’s Salterello Trio. World premiere took place in Ireland in autumn 2014 at the Song of Songs concert.
Betty Olivero En la mar hai una torre for the Trio Mediaeval and Garth Knox’s Trio. World premiere took place in 2014 at the Song of Songs concert.
Christian Wolff wrote a new work called Occassion (Trio VII) 2015, that was premiered in Dundalk on 30 May 2015.
Frode Haltli Blissful Pentecost World Premiere took place in March 2016
Onute Narbutaite  Heliography World Premiere took place in June 2016 at Music Books
Jakob Ullmann Müntzer’s Stern was premiered at Music Books in June 2016
Jürg Frey I Listened to the Wind Again premiered in June 2017
James Dillon The Louth Work: Orphic Fragments premiered at Drogheda Arts Festival 29 April 2017
Michael Pisaro Wind and Silence for Gothic Voices. Premiered in June 2018
Gérard Pesson Wandering Direct Sister  Premiered in June 2018.
Gérard Pesson Un tribut à Johann Jakob Froberger (sur ce que j’ai fait cette musique dans une grande lenteur & mélancolie) Premiered in June 2018.
Salvatore Sciarrino Cresce veloce un cristallo for flute premiered in June 2018
Galina Grigorjeva Chant premiered in June 2018
Karen Tanaka Sleep Deeply premiered in June 2018
Linda Buckley On the Path premiered in June 2018.
Rebecca Saunders O, Yes & I premiered in June 2018
Nicole Lizée Spielberg Etudes
premiered in May 2019
Linda Catlin Smith Meadow June 2019
Peter Garland When we with Sappho June 2019
György Kurtág A Piece for September June 2019
Pascale Criton Hold performed in June 2019
Gloria Coates Sonata. No.2 written for Carolin Widman but never performed in Ireland due to the pandemic
Leo Brouwer Irish Landscape with Rain for 4 guitars premiered in April 2021
Kevin Volans Lenguas de Fuego, April 2021
Siobhan Cleary Storm in Devon for vocal ensemble scheduled to be premiered in June 2022
Gavin Bryars Wittgenstein Fragments with libretto by Vincent Woods June 2022
Andrew Synnott I follow, I follow for string quartet and flute June 2022
Linda Catlin Smith Folio for SATB Choir June 2023
Cassandra Miller The City, Full of People for SATB Choir June 2023
Laurence Crane String Quartet No.2  June 2023
Sam Perkin Awe for string quartet and video  June 2023.
Sarah Davachi New work for choir June 2025
Martin Smolka Svatý Kryštof Sanctus Christophorus for soprano and guitar quartet June 2025

Eamonn Quinn persuaded Valentyn Silvestrov to write a new string quartet for the Kronos quartet. LCMS made the first recording of the work for the Embers CD with the Carducci Quartet.
Eamonn Quinn organised a new work Amplified by Michael Gordon for the Dublin Guitar Quartet.
Eamonn Quinn also organised the commission of a new work Boat,Souls Sailing….by Aleksandra Vrebalov for the Oriel Trio. Premiered in Ireland at the Hugh Lane Gallery Dublin Spring 2014.
Georg Pelecis Marantha 2008
Valentyn Silvestrov Three pieces for Eamonn Quinn 2009